August 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Blue Mound Memorial Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 26, 2024
Nancy Gorden, President
Julie Chapman, Vice President,
Amy Brown, Treasurer
Anne Byard, Trustee
Dani Noland, Trustee
Sharon Reynolds, Trustee
Julie Jones, Librarian
Alice Reed, Consultant
Nancy Gorden called the meeting to order at 6pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Truth and Taxation Hearing will be addressed at the September Board Meeting
The Secretary’s Minutes from the July meeting were discussed and corrections made. Julie Chapman made a motion, with Amy Brown making a second, to approve the minutes of the July meeting with corrections discussed. Motion passed
The Treasurer’s Report was presented. Amy Brown made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, with Anne Byard making a second, and motion passed Anne Byard made a motion, with a second by Sharon Reynolds, to transfer $3800 from the MMDA account to cover the expense incurred to repair the front door. Motion passed.
Julie Jones gave her Librarian’s Report and presented it in writing.
Julie Jones and Alice Reed prepared an ad to publish in the Blue Mound Leader newspaper, as well as social media, to begin our search for a new Librarian. Deadline for submitting applications is September 13, 2024. It was agreed to advertise a $16 - $19/hr. salary range, based on experience and skills of applicant. A special meeting may be called to further progress hiring for this position.
Board members reviewed The Standards for Illinois Public Libraries. The library received $3400 in the past, by reviewing these Standards.
Amy Brown made a motion to pass Appropriation Ordinance 24-3, with a second by Julie Chapman. Roll Call was taken and motion passed. It will be published in The Blue Mound Leader newspaper.
Roll Call:
Amy Brown Amy Brown Aye Julie Chapman Aye Nancy Gorden Aye Dani Noland Aye Sharon Reynolds Aye
Nancy Gorden inquired about IMRF and our participation. Discussion indicated we aren’t able to change or opt out of our participation.
The condition of the carpet was left, after the room had been recently rented, was discussed. Sharon Reynolds made a motion, with second by Amy Brown, to require a $100 deposit in addition to the #40 room rent, and add language to the written agreement renter’s sign, explaining the deposit will be returned if no damages incurred and the room condition is the same as before the renter’s used the room. A signature wil also be required when a cash deposit is returned. If a check is received as a deposit, the librarian can return it or tear it up if a contact is made with the renter stating this. Motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 7:09pm with Sharon Reynolds making the motion and second by Julie Chapman, with motion passing.
Dani Noland, Trustee
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