October 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Nancy Gorden, President
Julie Chapman, Vice-president
Dani Noland, Trustee
Anne Byard, Trustee
Sharon Reynolds, Trustee
Julie Jones, Librarian
Monday, October 28, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., the Blue Mound Memorial Library Board of Trustees met in the Annex of the Library. The Blue Mound Memorial Library President, Nancy Gorden, called to order the Board of Trustees’ October 2024 meeting.
The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary’s Report: President, Nancy Gorden verified that each Board member had time to review the Minutes from September 23, 2024. Julie Chapman made a motion to accept the Minutes. Anne Byard seconded the motion. The motion carried with all “Aye” votes.
Treasurer’s Report: Dani Noland made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Anne Byard seconded the motion. The motion carried with all “Aye’ votes.
Librarian’s Report:
• The library will be closed on November 11 for Veteran’s Day and November 28th for Thanksgiving.
Library Activities:
• A Mother/Daughter Book Club had to be canceled due to a family emergency with the leader of the book club (Mindy Marion). This will be rescheduled at a later date.
• Adult Book Club met on October 17th at 6:30 to discuss The Secret Life of Sunflowers by Marta Molnar. Vicky McCain hosted the evening. 7 people attended.
• Story Time is going well. We have had 7, 15, 18, and 17 attend the first four sessions. Attendance was down on the first Story Time due to a field trip with the school's pre-school children. This week, we will be trick-or-treating!
• Cookie Decorating Class was held on Thursday, October 24th. 15 people signed up.
• Library Crawl has been the month of October. We have had 56 visitors so far this month!
• Kid’s Ghost Painting was held on Saturday, October 26th.
Upcoming Programs:
• Story Time will run through Wednesday, November 20th.
• Book Club will meet on November 21 at 6:30 to discuss Swift River by Essie Chambers. Dorothy Durflinger will host.
• Trick or Treating – Kids can stop by the library in their Halloween costumes anytime from Monday, October 28th through Thursday, October 31st to receive a candy bar.
• Christmas Craft Night will be held at the library on Thursday, November 7th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The craft is a wooden Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. The cost is $10.00.
• Diabetes Meal Planning will be held at the library on Thursday, November 14th, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. The Illinois Extension will host this program.
• Stuffed Animal Sleepover – Friday, November 15th from 5:00 to 5:30 pm.
• Santa and Mrs. Claus will stop by the library on Saturday, December 7th.
Old Business:
• Library Director—The interview committee interviewed four candidates, who were presented to the board. Sharon Reynolds made a motion to offer the position to Andrea Bach at $20.00/hr. Dani Noland seconded the motion, which carried with all “Aye” votes. Nancy Gordon will call Andrea and offer her the job.
New Business:
• The light in the craft closet is not working. Julie Jones has called Trimble’s Construction.
Motion to Adjourn: With no further business to discuss, Dani Noland made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Anne Byard seconded the motion. The motion carried with all “Aye” votes. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
The Next Regular Board Meeting will be on Monday, November 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
Julie Chapman – Vice President
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