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Blue Mound Memorial Library

July 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Blue Mound Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 22, 2024



Nancy Gorden, President

Anne Byard, Trustee

Dani Noland, Trustee

Sharon Reynolds, Trustee

Julie Jones, Librarian

Alice Reed, Consultant

Ed Flynn, Attorney


Nancy Gorden called the meeting to order at 6pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Ed Flynn, Library Attorney, lead a discussion regarding Budget Ordinance, with paperwork handed out.  Questions were asked of Attorney Flynn, in regards to use of funds and budget information.

Dani Noland made a motion to pass the Budget Ordinance 24-2, with Sharon Reynolds making the second.  Roll Call was made and motion passed

Roll Call:                Anne Byard  Yes   Nancy Gorden  Yes

                                Dani Noland  Yes  Sharon Reynolds Yes

It will be published in The Blue Mound Leader and certified copies will be filed.

Secretary’s minutes were reviewed.  A motion by Amy Brown, with Sharon Reynolds making a second, to approve the minutes was made, with the correction of Monday, July 22nd at the bottom of the page.  Motion passed

Treasurer’s report was given.  After discussion, a motion to pass the Treasurer’s report was made by Sharon Reynolds, second by Anne Byard, with motion passed.

Julie Jones gave her Librarian’s Report and presented it in writing.


Sharon Reynolds and Anne Byard reviewed the Board Minutes for the previous year.  A correction needs to be made in the July 24, 2023 minutes, in regards to the review of the 2022 minutes was for the past 12 months, rather than the past six months.  A change will be recorded. 

A new Certificate of Deposit has been done, will be put in the lock box at the bank, and the old one will be taken to the bank to be destroyed.


Discussion on ways to attract a new librarian, putting together a written job description, the timeline for publication, librarian search was had and a Hiring Committee composed of Nancy Gorden, Amy Brown, Alice Reed, and Dani Noland was appointed.

The old gas pumps and containers at the abandoned gas station next door are moved in front of our building mural.  Alice will ask if Jeff Reed can move these away from the mural so it can be seen.

Meeting adjourned at 7:17pm, with Amy Brown making a motion, second by Anne Byard and motion passed.


Dani Noland





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